March 2, 2009

The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier & Clay, by Michael Chabon

I love this book. In my excitement one day, I actually declared it to be my favourite book ever, but I have to retract that statement. I can't make that about any book. It's up there though.

At first, it was so absorbing that I was almost upset I didn't have the time to read it all at one go. Then as the end grew nigh, I didn't want to let go. Small wonder the book I've now started isn't measuring up.

It won the Pulitzer Prize, and apparently there's a movie in the works that Chabon wrote the script for, but it seems to be either in the very early stages or stalled. I don't know how I'd feel about that anyway.

You know I don't really like doing a synopsis, but it's about comics and New York and World War II and love and family. Read it already.


Anonymous said...

I would have never picked up this book on my own. The cover, comics as a topic, even the title - none of it grabbed me. But your review was just too glowing, so I immediately put it on hold at the library. I picked it up today, and I'm LOVING it. Thanks Lydia!

Lydia said...

That was quick! Thanks Zoe!