November 1, 2009

The Yiddish Policeman's Union, by Michael Chabon

I picked this book up shortly before leaving for our honeymoon to bring on it. A few days into the trip, as I read the New York Times over breakfast, I saw an ad for upcoming signings at Barnes & Noble, including one by Michael Chabon. I was thrilled.

I suppose readings/signings by famous authors isn't as big a deal in New York as it is here, seeing as we turned up an hour before it started and got a seat fairly near the front. It did fill up, but much closer to the appointed hour. Compare this to the time I waited FOUR HOURS to see David Sedaris at Bolen Books in Victoria, and then waited another 3 hours to get my book signed.

Michael Chabon read 2 short stories from his new book and then answered questions for a bit (which were much less mundane than most of the questions asked Sedaris at the Victoria signing.) We were ushered row-by-row into a very orderly line, and after a short wait, Chabon signed our books. The meeting wasn't much to speak of, but it happened and I was so glad.


The Yiddish Policeman's Union was good too. It wasn't true love like Kavalier and Clay, and to be honest, I was a bit confused by the story (a detective story in an alternate reality where all the Jews live in Alaska), but I got involved with the characters and was almost totally satisfied.


brie said...

I've never been able to get all the way through one of his books, but maybe I should keep trying. You're not the only friend who really likes him.

Run Lori Run said...

I have Kavalier and Clay and haven't read it yet. I should pick it up... And I've seen David Sedaris speak a couple times now but don't know if I could wait in line as long as you did. I commend you. :)

Lydia said...

Ha ha, thanks. Waiting in lines for authors is my version of rocking out. :)